InnerDrive Sports Blog

Does superstition actually help athletes perform better?

Superstitions are everywhere in sport. Many athletes have a specific routine before every game, or believe that a certain piece of clothing is lucky.

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Is sport psychology doomed at Premier League clubs?

Sport psychology is the last domain of sport science to be accepted in Premier League football. Although the landscape has shifted dramatically over

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Aspirations vs expectations: what sports coaches need to know

Having high aspirations and high expectations is talked about a lot in sport for success. And both can be very important for coaching athletes.


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Why do we like winning?

The saying “winning isn’t everything” gets thrown around in sports a lot. As much as your coach, your parents, or even you try to convince yourself

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Why do substitutes keep missing penalties?

Have you noticed that high profile substitutes have been missing really important penalties recently in football? Even thought their penalty records

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A coach's guide to Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction

Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction have the potential to revolutionise coaching. Although they're based on teaching guidelines underpinned by

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A coach's guide to Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive Load Theory is a psychological theory that every coach needs to know about. If you are not already familiar with this theory, here is a

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What is flow, and how to achieve it

Have you ever been performing and felt completely focused and in control, knowing exactly what you are doing and what you need to do next, utterly

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The importance of taking it day by day in sport

Sometimes, as an athlete, you can get caught up focusing on your next big competition or what training you need to get through next. It is easy to

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Is there an upside to injury?

Injury is, unfortunately, an inevitable reality for athletes today. Younger athletes in particular are at a high risk of injury, often resulting from

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