InnerDrive Sports Blog

A sport psychologist's tips for surviving winter golf

With golf courses closing and winter greens arriving, access and willingness to play and practice is often reduced. This leaves many golfers

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6 ways athletes can prepare properly

Eric Cantona once said that “preparation is everything”.

It’s not just the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that really separates the best

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Parenting junior golfers

How do you successfully parent junior golfers? What does this actually look like? What should parents say to their children after they have finished

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How to stop feeling embarrassed on the golf course

The golf course can be a stressful environment. Whether you like it or not, at some point a better golfer (be it another member, a course marshal or

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Developing a growth mindset in golf - a sport psychologist's top tips

Golf is often deemed to be one of the most mentally demanding sports. Therefore, if a golfer is going to bridge the gap from good to great, a growth

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How to Help Injured Athletes

There are two types of athletes. Those who are injured and those who aren’t injured yet. So which athletes are most likely to be injured and how can

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A Sports Psychologist's Guide to Player Celebration

There is something unique and special about the feeling one gets from scoring a goal. In the first few seconds after the ball crosses the line,

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A Sports Psychologist's Guide to Fan Celebration

There is something unique and special about the feeling one gets from scoring a goal. In the first few seconds after the ball crosses the line,

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Sports Psychology and the Pressure of Knock Out Football

What is the hallmark of a World Cup champion? What is the difference between champions and their less successful opponents? What do these footballers

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Football Sports Psychology For Parenting Youth Footballers

Parenting Youth Footballers

What is the secret to successfully parenting children involved in football? What does expert parenting look like? What

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