InnerDrive Education Blog

7 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Psychologists have been trying to figure out the science behind procrastination for over 120 years. William James (often referred to as to the

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Growth Mindset: Stories & Science - Part 2

Growth mindset is arguably the most popular psychological theory in both education and sport at the moment. It makes intuitive sense; if you work

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7 Ways to Reduce the Fear of Failure

It is not failure that people fear. It is the perceived negative consequences that follow the failure that stresses them out. This fear can lead to

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How to Help Students Raise Their Game

It’s almost the end of the school year. The summer holidays will fly by and students will be back at school before we know it. So what can we do to

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What motivates someone - Part 3: Future Success

This is part 3 of this blog series, check out part one (focusing on rewards) and part two (looking at the impact of fear) for more information on

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What Motivates Someone? Part 2: Fear

What motivates someone to do well? This three part blog looks at the three different ways you could motivate someone: part 1 (focusing on reward),

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What Motivates Someone? Part 1: Rewards

What motivates someone to do well? This three part blog looks at the three different ways you could motivate someone: part 1 (reward), part 2

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Get The Crowd on Your Side

A supportive crowd can help athletes push on to bigger and better performances. Research shows that having family and friends watch can help increase

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