InnerDrive Education Blog

The Olympics: Do's and Don'ts

The Olympics is a cauldron of pressure. Four years of build up for two weeks of high performance. The consequences for getting it right or wrong are

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8 Ways to Maximise Training

Why do some athletes improve at a faster rate than others? The answer, it seems, may (partly) lie in how they train. Researchers have been exploring

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Home Advantage: Euro 2016

The European Championship is here and many pundits are tipping France to win the tournament. Apart from having a very strong squad, a common belief

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Handling Exam Pressure

The thought of the exam hall. The noise of the invigilator walking up and down. The deafening sound of the clock ticking. For some students, the

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5 Ways to Improve Mental Health

During the safety briefing on every plane journey adults are reminded that, in case of an emergency, they are to secure their own oxygen masks before

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8 Ways To Improve Character Education

Character education has been in the news a lot recently. The Department for Education has announced that rugby players and coaches were being drafted

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Don't Be A Slave to Your Phone

We live in an age of distraction. A recent report found that there are now more mobile phones on the planet than people. The ability to concentrate

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The Morning of an Exam

When you’ve worked so hard revising, don’t leave the last few hours before entering the examination hall to chance. Here’s how to make sure you’re
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