InnerDrive Education Blog

10 Ways to Boost Motivation

Ways To Boost Your Motivation

  1. Targets - Set yourself a clear, ambitious and accurate target.
  2. Think Why - Remind yourself why you are doing this.
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Does Starting School Later Lead to Better Grades?

Is there a simple and easy way to increase student grades and health that doesn’t require any extra contact time, workload or cost? Researchers have

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8 Ways to Transform Your Note Taking

Do students know how to take good notes in class? Plenty of people make too many mistakes and remember less of the information as a result.

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The Triple A of Learning From Your Mistakes

Why do some people not learn from their mistakes? It seems that some people are doomed to have history repeat itself and end up repeating their

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Developing Independent Learners

Why do some students start a piece of work with good intentions of working hard at it, but sometimes fail to live up to their starting aims? Are they

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Is Predicting Grades a Waste of Time?

The vast majority of schools spend time (and money) on predicting how their students will do over the coming years. But is there any point in doing

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7 Ways to Get Out of a Bad Mood

Bobby McFerrin famously sangDon’t worry, be happy”.

But that’s easier said than done, right? Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a huff and we

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How Parents Can Help Improve Grades

How can parents best help their children achieve good grades? Parents have previously been criticised for how they go about this. Respected educator

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