InnerDrive Education Blog

INDIES award finalist

We are honoured to announce that our book Release Your Inner Drive has been shortlisted for a second award. This time our book is a finalist for a 

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6 Reasons to Keep A Diary

Benjamin Franklin used to begin each day by asking himself “What can I do well today?”. He then wrote those things down in a diary. Come the end of

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Revision: An Introduction to Spacing

How much students can remember plays a key role in their exam success. So can we improve our memory? Is cramming really a successful revision method?

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6 Ways to Reduce Stress

For many students revision time can be very stressful. But new and interesting research suggests that a) some stress is actually a good thing and b)

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5 Reasons to do that Hard Task Early

Benjamin Franklin once said that “you may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again”. Yet so many people (and especially students)

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IBPA award finalist

[UPDATE: our book received a Gold IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award!]

We are honoured to announce that our book, Release Your Inner Drive has been

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13 Questions to Improve Revision

For students to revise effectively they face two challenges. The first, is knowing what good revision actually looks like. The second, is then

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Benefits of Reading

Do you read regularly? If not, can you remember the last book, or sizeable article you read? Most of our daily reading behaviours consist of

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