InnerDrive Education Blog

What we know about teenagers and screen time

In today’s world, almost everyone has a mobile phone, a laptop, and some type of gaming device. Adolescents can spend hours engrossed in YouTube

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A look back at InnerDrive's 2019 in education

Schools have now broken up for the Christmas holidays, and the New Year is nearly here - now is the perfect time for us to take a look back at the

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Increasing BDNF levels for better memory

Are your students learning slower on a Monday morning?

Stress, lack of sleep, problems at home – all reasons that may come to mind to explain why.

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Boys in England are underachieving. What can educators do?

Over the last decade, the gender gap in education has widened. In 2017, girls were 12.5% more likely to participate in higher education than boys.

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How to model a thought process for your students

Modelling is one of the many strategies that can enhance the learning process and help students raise their game. Modelling can be found in all

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Background noise and reading performance

How much does reading with background noise around you impact how much you learn and remember? Some research shows that music can negatively affect

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Teaching growth mindset to your students

Have you got growth mindset fatigue yet? It probably takes about 18-24 months to really set in. The main symptoms include an early euphoria and

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PISA 2018 results: fear of failure in the UK

Every few years, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) release their PISA report. This report discusses the performance

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