InnerDrive Education Blog

Overcoming maths anxiety: how parents can help

Early maths skills are critically important to a child’s future achievements, with research showing that children who start behind rarely catch up

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Self-explanation during revision

We love looking for evidence-based revision tips (you can find lots of them on our revision guide page). There are plenty of good strategies out

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How prepared are you to learn?

Academic achievement is not based entirely on innate natural intelligence.

Instead, whether a child achieves or not is dependent on a number of

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How drawing can boost student revision

We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” - and it seems as though this may even be true for student revision.

Recent research

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Do students revise differently nearer to their exams?

Not all revision strategies are equal. Some have been proven to be helpful, whereas others have been found to add very little to students’ learning.

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IQ or motivation: which matters most at school?

How important are both IQ and motivation for students’ success at school? This question is fundamental to helping our students fulfil their potential

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Psychological safety in the classroom

Many teachers are often left wondering whether they have wasted their time when, at the end of the lessons, “any questions?” is met with a room of

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The impact of mobile phones on grades

We live in an age in which technology is becoming more and more dominant. A recent study has suggested that students check their phone on average

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