InnerDrive Education Blog

The surprising truth about using highlighting to study

The biggest key to optimising your students’ learning is teaching them how to use their memory to its full advantage. Remembering information well is

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Press release: The first term of the Cognitive Science Network programme

InnerDrive launches the Cognitive Science Network programme, a network aimed at helping schools to apply research findings from cognitive science

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Try the three-minute rule to overcome procrastination

Procrastination is a widespread and serious issue amongst students, with research estimating that between 80% and 95% of students procrastinate.

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Deadlines and working memory: a double-edged sword

Students are constantly meeting deadlines, whether that be finishing homework, coursework or revision in time. But do deadlines actually help

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How to design the perfect multiple-choice test

Multiple-choice exams are a quick and easy way to assess students’ understanding of a topic. Plus, since it’s a method of retrieval practice, it can

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Why does thinking hard about something help students learn it?

As a general rule of thumb, Cognitive Science research suggests that the harder you think about something, the more likely you are to learn it.

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The Expertise Reversal Effect, scaffolding support, and how to do it

Cognitive Load Theory is a highly popular concept in education, with many teachers using its principles in the classroom. One way to help students

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How to help students avoid distractions when studying online

Since the pandemic began, the time students spend online has significant increased, with recent studies showing that students spend an average of 7

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